Wednesday, August 31, 2011


            In class we watched a video, "Changing Education Paradigms" By Ken Robinson RSA Animate (2010. In the video Ken Robinson speaks at a fast past, it lasted 11 minutes and it was animated.  What I received from this video within that time span were the problems in the education such as conformity, classification, standardization, drugs (Ritalin), consumers and stratification of knowledge.
I can relate to this video because I’ve witnessed the behavior of the children once put o that medication. It causes the child to act as if he/she has no will power at all, they’re restless, and have a loss of appetite.  I personally am against the medication that these children are being put on because they are doing harm to the children’s’ body and its taking them away from their everyday freedom. If the child had patience and fewer distractions, I believe the child will be just fine.
 I can also relate to how Ken Robinson brought up the paradigm to how the school system works such as separating children into their age groups into sections and the classes into sections. In school I was just fine with being around students that were around my age because it gave the class and me a chance to learn all at once.
This video also explains the difference between aesthetic and anesthetic. The difference is that anesthetic shuts off your senses and deadens yourself to what’s happening, aesthetic keeps you aware of what’s going on around you, you’re senses aren’t shut off.
I read the article “Caring and Education”, by Nel Noddings. In this article he explains how the teachers’ feelings towards your schooling can make a difference. If you have teachers that really care about your education you’d be better off because they’d push you to get the knowledge you deserve. They also work with you until you understand the content and are capable to continue.  If a teacher is strict and tough towards the student they are going to attempt on their work but they will just work laboriously and escape whenever the opportunity comes.
“Caring teachers listen to John and Ann and help them acquire the knowledge and attitudes needed to achieve their goals”, Nel Noddings. I agree with the statement because not every student needs much knowledge beyond the basic. If the teacher gives off the attitude of not caring than most likely the student is going to respond to this situation in the same way, but by showing the student you care helps them realize that concentration and help from the teacher is the way to go. Caring for the student not only helps them learn but it also teaches them about caring themselves, it teaches them morals and confirming them in developing their best selves.
After watching the video again and going over the article they both talk about somewhat caring for the child’s need and just being patience will solve a lot of confrontations and problems.  

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